Thursday, January 9, 2014

Let me say Hello

My name is Lynn, aka Mamablingthing.

I am the owner of 2 ETSY store fronts, Mamablingthing and Folksome. I have another blog that I started years ago and I could only manage to post what seems to be once or twice a year. This has gone on for over 5 years. Not very productive to say the least. Not very beneficial  to the growth of my products either. 

I am going to give this another try, lets see if I can have some self discipline. Probably not...

I actually don't want this to be a site for me to strictly try to sell everything I make. ( of course I will be sharing that too...) I am interested in so many things. Just to name a few...

I am a craft o holic!!!!!!!  SERIOUS stuff!  No I don't make serious stuff, I mean I have a serious problem. So I will be sharing crafty ideas and projects that I am working on. ( hence the storefront mamablingthing )

I love organic herbal recipes for health and beauty products. I will share the things I make and have available to sell, but I will also share some pretty cool new ideas and recipes I run across.

I have an obsession with short term prepping also. We have emergency backpacks and a bug-out box ( I will explain that another day ). Along with emergency items I will share our experiences in canning, freezing, and dehydrating the things we grow in our garden this summer.

I also have a new passion in restoration. I have always loved everything old, especially if it came from my family. We recently bought an old farmhouse and we are going to restore the old wood and hopefully bring it back to 1875.  Well.... I mean I am keeping electricity, indoor plumbing.... you get it.

Ok so I am losing my attention span writing this so that means you are probably bored with a bunch of words on a page. So... until next time.....